Sunday, December 14, 2008

Spanish Property – Reasons To Be Optimistic In 2009

Over the last decade a growing number of Brits have taken the plunge of investing in Spanish property whether in the form of a holiday home, buy-to-let investment or permanent relocation.

However, due to the economic downturn, this year has seen a decline in the number of people buying property in Spain, and agents and developers have had to reduce their prices dramatically in order to sell any properties at all.

So what can we expect to see happening over the next 12 months as we go into 2009?

Experts predict both the Pound and Euro exchange rates will continue to fall during the first six months of 2009 helping to stimulate both the UK and Spanish property markets. As lower interest rates and greater governmental pressure on banks increases lending the domestic market in the UK will begin to pick up again and people will once again be able to finance their dream home in Spain.

Property in Spain

Spanish real estate articles

Marbella real estate net